Environmental Site Assessments

There are thousands of pages of federal regulations job site-1designed to protect public health and the environment. Each state has its own environmental health and safety regulations, many of them more stringent than the federal requirements. The public demands a clean environment and healthy workplace, and regulatory agencies are increasing enforcement and imposing severe penalties for noncompliance. Together with tort and nuisance litigation, these pressures are driving property owners, lenders, and buyers to the realization that environmental management makes good business sense.

Environmental Site Assessments (ESA) are often a requirement of financial lenders as part of funding a commercial loan. Strict pollution laws introduced during the past twenty years have resulted in new risks in property acquisition. Purchasingdemo 2 polluted property can lead to costly liability expenses, even if the contaminants were released years before the purchase. The prudent investor must thoroughly examine potential acquisitions for pollution liability prior to purchase. BEM specializes in assessments of various types of properties including residential, commercial and industrial. BEM’s environmental site assessment services meet or exceed ASTM standards.